White teeth are not a dream! Teeth whitening naturally

White teeth are not a dream Teeth whitening naturally

To whiten teeth, first of all, it is necessary to brush the teeth with toothpaste every day. After paying attention to oral care, you can also have teeth whitening done in polyclinics. However, there is more than one way to whiten teeth naturally at home.


Power Bleaching is the teeth whitening process performed in dental clinics. With this method, the teeth are brought to their natural colors under the supervision of a doctor in polyclinics. While applying this method, specially produced solutions are used to whiten teeth.

The solutions are applied to the teeth with the support of light and whitening is done. With this reliable and fast method, 4-5 times whiteness is possible. If the solutions are used at the level of 10 percent, it does not harm the teeth.
White teeth are not a dream!  Teeth whitening naturally


It is also possible to whiten teeth with natural methods without applying to the clinic. First of all, it is recommended to brush your teeth daily with toothpaste.
White teeth are not a dream!  Teeth whitening naturally

Mixing lemon and baking soda is one of the natural teeth whitening ways. In addition, teeth can be whitened only with baking soda.

White teeth are not a dream!  Teeth whitening naturally

It is possible to get white teeth with a mixture of baking soda, vinegar and salt. The use of banana peel is also effective in this way. Teeth whitening can be done with baking soda, cinnamon and sage, as well as with strawberries. In addition, teeth can be whitened with orange peel and bay oil.
