Bills, gas bills increase: +120 euros per year

Bonus bills towards the extension Government at work

(Finance) – according to estimates, in October 2023 the rate of the gas for a typical family in protected market could increase by 9% compared to that of September. With these values, with the same consumption, the bill average (calculated on a consumption of 1400 smc) would undergo an annual increase of approximately 120 euros. “The increase in gas tariffs is certainly not good news and even more worrying is the fact that the increases may not be over. International tensions are weighing on the price of gas matter first and the arrival of the cold season could bring with it a physiological increase in prices linked to the increase in consumption – explain the experts at -. This is therefore the right time to check the conditions of your gas supply and evaluate whether there are more convenient offers on the free market that can counteract, at least in part, the effect of the increases”.

Looking at the sector forecasts on the performance of PSVthe index used in Italy to calculate the price of gas in the protected market, it turns out that according to the expectations this is expected to grow further between now and the end of the year, with a monthly increase of 15% in November and 6% in December; the bill for a typical family, therefore, being equal consumptionit would reach 130 euros in November and around 136 euros in December.

If these predictions are confirmed, the total expense 2023 for the gas supply of a typical family in the protected market it will reach around 1,330 euros; a value that is decreasing compared to last year, when the total bill even reached over 1,700 euros due to the huge increases in energy prices, but still 24% higher if compared with that of 2019 when, before the arrival of the pandemic and the outbreak of war in Ukraine, the expense had been around 1,070 euros.
