Matias Maccellilla, 21, a wild start in the NHL! Tells EPN about the amazing episode on the crisis team – “There’s no terrible feedback here”

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Matias Maccelli finally got his chance in the NHL and took good advantage of it. Maccelli has hit 1 + 2 in four NHL matches he has played. Watch Arizona Maccell’s two assists against Toronto.

11.3. 10:34 • Updated March 11. 10:38

Few Finnish newcomers have made an NHL debut in front of the beak, such as Arizona From Matias Maccell earlier this season. Coyotes’ Finnish charger was supposed to debut in the NHL after a strong autumn in the NHL in the Christmas break, but only a small lollipop was taken out of the mouth before the h-moment.

The reason does not surprise anyone.

– A couple of hours before the game it was called that I had a positive corona test. It was a huge disappointment, however, the NHL is every little boy’s dream and I was prepared for it, Maccelli times for Sport.

However, Maccelli, who received his puck training in Turku, did not have to worry about his fate, but after getting out of quarantine, he pulled his overalls in the farm league even tighter. After the corona infection, Maccelli, who last represented Finland in Finland, has recorded five matches of at least three points and nine matches of at least two points in the AHL.

At the same time, he has been at the top of the newcomer exchange with powers of 14 + 41 = 55. The balance is enough for all the players to be in fifth place, in addition to which his average score of 1.31 is the fourth hardest in the series. If the limit is set to 40 matches, Maccell’s Score Average is the second highest Finnish player ever quoted in the AHL.

Teemu Pulkkinen the average for the period 2014–2015 was 1.32

Maccelli is probably along with the Stockton guard at the moment Dustin Wolfin with the biggest favorite to win the AHL League of the Year Award. This achievement is also rare in Finland, as only two Finns have won the trophy: Mika Noronen mixed Mikko Rantanenwho shared the award Frank Vatranon with.

Known for his fast-paced moves and gig skills, Maccelli has had the opportunity to realize himself at Tucson Roadrunners and has taken all the joy out of it.

– I have been encouraged to play through my own strengths as always, which of course has helped. I’ve got space to realize myself and it’s been great. Of course, at first it took a while to get used to the game here, there’s more momentum and less time, but the game has started to go well as the season progresses, Maccelli says.

A strong start in the NHL

Maccelli finally got the new opportunity he deserved at the top last week. According to North American reports, the invitation to the NHL would have opened without injuries, but they would open up a place on the Finnish pier and even in the profit center at the latest. Maccelli played the first NHL match of his career a week ago against Colorado together Phil Kesselin and Alex Galchenuykin alongside.

In the second match against Ottawa on Saturday, Maccelli hit his first NHL goal.

– It was amazing to get the first goal off the field. I can’t really say what was moving in my mind at that moment, great moment. The puck recovered and goes to the parents who keep all the memorabilia from my career, Maccelli tasted.

Against Toronto on Friday, Maccelli scored two entry points. In four NHL matches, the powers are 1 + 2.

Maccell’s ice times have ranged from 11 to 16 minutes in four NHL matches, and this has allowed him to play with some superiority. The coaching management has clearly approached playing a small skill platform from the same angle of entry as AHL coaching, a player is allowed to play his own game within certain limits through his own strengths.

– There’s no terribly feedback given here, but it’s been said to continue with the same pattern and that you’re just playing your own game.

Maccelli has been able to show off his skills in the NHL trough as well, but he still has a way to become a unit player in the bucks league. There is still room for growth in the physics of the 21-year-old, in addition to which gaming must develop in a more reliable direction anyway.

While the start has been positive, Arizona, for example, has lost first-place finishers in Maccell’s five-to-five against 1-9.

– In terms of the way they play, the NHL and the AHL are quite similar, but there is even less speed and time here than on the farm. It takes time, but yes I need to be able to holize my gaming. In practice, this means, for example, defensive play and diligence.

On the other hand, Maccell’s invitation has been seen at the team level as the toughest peak of the season. The team, which is becoming a long-time loser in the series, has won four matches in the tube and even a big favorite in Colorado during the Finnish season for the first time this season.

The coyote herd has scored a whopping 24 in the previous four matches.

– That’s a good thing for myself, because less often the winning team is changed here.

“It’s just the same for me where we play”

In a broader perspective, the situation in Arizona is significantly more difficult. The club has progressed in recent years due to the financial difficulties of the crisis and the problems that have arisen from the club’s office. The club management has been accused of, among other things, blackmailing partners and ill-treating employees.

The latest turnaround was seen earlier this winter when a club drifting at bad intervals with the city of Glendale was thrown out of its current home hall. Coyotes announced he will play for rent in the coming years at the university team’s home arena, which has an audience capacity of just 5,000.

Maccelli says the problems outside the ice don’t show up in the team’s daily lives.

– There is no way to show or talk about them. No players can terribly influence what kind of decisions the owner or club management makes. Our job is to focus on playing. I think there is a really good team spirit here and a nice atmosphere in every way.

Playing at university doesn’t hurt Maccell.

– For me, it’s exactly where we play, Maccelli laughs at last.
