Baldur’s Gate 3: True Strike is the worst magic trick

Magic tricks are an essential part of Baldur’s Gate 3. With them you can perform a wide variety of abilities while saving magic slots or gain advantages in combat. However, according to reddit, the skill Aimed Strike is not worth choosing.

What magic trick is it? The magic trick True Strike, in English, annoys players in Baldur’s Gate 3. The spell allows you to select a target within nine meters. You gain insight into its defenses, giving you advantage on attack rolls on your next turn against the target.

The magic trick requires concentration to be sustained. He also requires the full action of your current turn with the executing character. You can read more about concentration spells here.

What are magic tricks?

Magic tricks, or cantrips in the original English, are small spells that do not require a spell slot. They can be cast as often as you like because they are second nature to your character. These skills are as simple as breathing.

In combat, they can be used to conserve your magician or sorcerer’s spell slots. Outside of it, they can have useful effects, like Divine Guidance: This lets you add an extra D4 to all of your skill checks.

Having advantage on an attack roll is absolutely desirable. It increases your chance of hitting and thus the speed at which you bring your opponents to their knees. However, the community has valid points as to why you should not use Aimed Strike.

You can find more spells that you can cast without a spell slot in our guide to ritual spells:
Baldur’s Gate 3: Casting without a spell slot – You can always cast these nine spells

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True Strike is truly the worst magic trick in Baldur’s Gate 3 – but also in D&D

Why does the community have an issue with Sure Strike? In combat, it is desirable to carry out as many attacks as possible per round and thus maximize the damage to the opponent. However, using an action, which in some classes can be multiple attacks, for an advantage in the first following round does not result in an inn – writes reddit user ScooterBrigade.

In the following discussion, over 600 commenters explain that this is exactly the function of the magic trick – and it was already in the Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition template:

  • thepersona5fucker: No, you’re exactly right. As far as I know, True Strike is one of the most famous and terrible spells in all of D&D. I wouldn’t be surprised if he appears in this game just as a joke.
  • Louismash99: I once had a player who only used a spell after wasting a turn with Sure Strike. And then missed most of the time anyway
  • Trickytickler: It’s just as useless, pointless and a trap in BG3 as it is in tabletop. Just put it aside and move on.
  • How can Aimed Strike be helpful? Most Reddit users agree that the magic trick is a complete waste of time and effort. But some also write that you could cast the cantrip right before the first round of a fight and do more damage at the beginning.

    Still others point to the Speer Watcher’s Guide. An attack that would miss the target automatically gets Aimed Strike and thus a second attack attempt. The Bloodthirst dagger has a similar function.

    The dagger “Bloodthirst” can be taken from the opponent Orin.

    How can you gain advantage on attacks without the magic trick? In fact, there are many different ways to gain advantage on attacks. A sure-fire strike is only the most wasteful one.

    Advantage on attacks means that when you attack, you roll two d20s instead of just one. The highest number rolled is used for advantage. This gives you twice the chance of hitting with your attack, i.e. getting through your opponent’s armor class.

    Here are the opportunities for advantage on attacks given in Baldur’s Gate 3:

  • Attacking enemies who can’t see you – you can be hidden or your opponent can be blind
  • Melee attacks on lying enemies
  • Attacks paralyzed opponents
  • Attacks against enemies that are lower than your attacking character
  • Attacks against enemies who have their backs turned to you
  • What about you: Have you given Aimed Strike to one of your characters? Or would you rather hide before taking up arms? We would be happy to receive your comments!

    If you’re looking for more gaming tips for Baldur’s Gate 3, you could find them in our current guide and build collection:
    Baldur’s Gate 3: All guides, builds and tricks for the role-playing game
