Why are the Israeli ground forces lurking in Gaza at night? Military expert: The operation was preparing for a planned ground attack

Why are the Israeli ground forces lurking in Gaza at

Israel is feeling what kind of defense arrangement Hamas has on the border in Gaza, commander Anssi Munkki says.

Last night’s strike by Israeli ground forces on the Gaza Strip was part of preparations for a possible larger ground attack. This is what the chief teacher of naval warfare at the National Defense University, the commander, thinks Anssi Munkki In an interview with Radio Suomen Päivä on Thursday.

– In the past, attacks have been carried out from the air, but now, for the first time, Israel pushed visibly with its ground forces into Gaza. We poked holes in the border fence and felt what kind of defense arrangement Hamas has right at the border, Munkki said.

Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu said late Wednesday that preparations are currently being made for a ground attack.

According to Munk, Israel will carry out operations like last night’s as long as it achieves its desired goals. We can hear about similar operations in the coming days.

– Israel wears down and exhausts Hamas fighters because they have to prepare for attacks and attacks every night. From a military point of view, Israel’s actions are textbook.

A ground attack would be difficult

The start of Israel’s ground offensive in Gaza has been rumored for weeks.

If the ground attack starts, according to Anssi Munk, Israel will attack deep into Gaza from several directions at the same time.

According to Munk, from a military point of view, Israel’s goal is extremely difficult. The settlement center battle is not easy for Israel either. In addition, soldiers belonging to Hamas can, for example, lay down their weapons and become ordinary civilians.

– How then can you distinguish a fighter from an ordinary Palestinian in Gaza? The monk pondered.

Listen to Anssi Munk’s interview on Radio Suomen Päivä:
