There were 4 separate attacks on the US base in Syria!

Reaction from Colombia to Israels Ambassador in Bogota Apologize and

According to information obtained from local sources, 4 separate attacks were made on the US army’s base at Harab Jabir Airport in Hasakah with land-to-surface weapons.

In the last 3 days in southern Syria, attacks were carried out on the base in the Tenef region, where the US army is located, the Robarya bases in the Malikiyye district near the Iraqi border, and the military bases in the Hasakah and Shaddadi regions, with armed unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) of unknown origin and ground-to-surface weapons.


The Deir ez-Zor lands east of the Euphrates River are under the occupation of the US-backed terrorist organization YPG/PKK, while the provincial center and other rural areas are under the control of the Assad regime and Iranian-backed groups.

Iranian-backed groups occasionally attack US bases on the east bank of the Euphrates River with ground-launched weapons and UCAVs. (AA)
