Protective hunting of wolves is to be carried out – new announcement

Earlier this fall, the county administrative board announced that protective hunting would not be conducted, partly because it could be established that a genetically important wolf was behind at least two of the attacks.

But after a new wolf attack on October 24, they have made the decision that it should be allowed.

– It has been a rather turbulent period with several different attacks that have proven to come from different individuals. But now we have had four attacks within a defined area, says David Börjesson, wildlife officer at the Skåne County Administrative Board.

An important wolf

This makes them not believe that the latest attacks are made by the genetically important wolf. However, they are still waiting for answers from DNA analysis but have decided to allow protective hunting until the answer comes.

Protective hunting is considered the last resort. Before that, they want to use so-called predator-repellent fences. Now, however, it has been seen on one occasion that a wolf got past one of these.

– Then there aren’t that many more measures that are possible, says David Börjesson.

Risk of shooting the wrong wolf

Is there a risk of someone accidentally shooting the genetically important wolf?

– There is a risk. But the protection hunt must only be carried out with the help of a specially trained dog to find the particular individual who made the attack.
