Apple Türkiye opened a special page today: “To many happy centuries”

Apple Turkiye opened a special page today To many happy

Apple Türkiye Today, specially for the 100th anniversary of the Republic, “Many happy centuries!He launched a page titled “.

Apple Türkiye, Here He wrote the following on the page you can access: “Discover lists of Turkey’s best films, songs, applications and games, compiled specifically for the 100th anniversary of the Republic.” The company wrote the following note in the music section of this page: fell: “We are celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Republic with a century-long adventure of music in Turkey. With this special episode prepared by Apple Music editors, who are master writers in their fields, get ready to set off in the stories of genres that affect Turkey, from TSM to THM, from rock to hip-hop, from pop to arabesque, and that change shape with the changing world. Discover the prominent records of each period with lists where you will have the chance to observe the impact of both the traces of the past and the perspective of the future on music. Join us as we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey with all the beauties of music.”


Apple’s note on the application page was as follows: “Turkey’s 100th Republic Day will be celebrated with fireworks, ceremonies and joy shows across the country. What better time to highlight 100 amazing apps and games created by the country’s talented developers? Turkey’s increasingly successful application development studios produce all kinds of pocket-friendly tools and forms of entertainment. “These apps and games can help us feel healthier and happier, learn new things, go on great adventures, create content to our heart’s content, and more.”
