“75 Mom”, this challenge that reenergizes all mothers

75 Mom this challenge that reenergizes all mothers

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    As mothers know, finding time for yourself can be difficult. However, an unprecedented challenge from social networks allows us to regain a certain balance in life. Update on this challenge.

    When you become a mother, the mental load accumulates: between shopping, cleaning, work and children, it’s difficult to have a few hours to yourself. However, a new challenge on the networks promises to help young mothers (re)find time for themselves. Explanations.

    Good in his body, good in his head!

    A challenge that helps young mothers

    The 75 Mom is inspired by the 75 Hard, a sporting challenge which caused controversy. This consists of following very strict daily rules for 75 days: 45 minutes of sport twice a day, no alcohol or ‘cheat’ meals, one photo, drinking four liters of water and reading 10 pages of a book.

    A challenge, which should allow, on paper, to boost one’s form and elevate one’s spirit. Except that these goals, which are very impractical, have discouraged many young parents.

    The new “75 Mom” challenge, imagined by influencer Brittany Rinkin, is fortunately much more accessible.

    If the duration is the same – you have to last 75 days to succeed – you have to, every day, do “only” 45 minutes of physical exercise, 45 minutes of household chores, drink four liters of water, take a shower and read 10 pages of a book.

    Another notable difference: unlike the first challenge, which required starting the circuit from the beginning if only one day was “missed“, this is based on the long term; nothing serious if the objectives are missed. Here, the main thing is to resume the challenge the next day, by striving to do better than the day before.

    A challenge meant to boost and relieve young mothers of guilt, who have difficulty finding time for themselves.

    By removing the pressure of failure, we are able to cope better with the more difficult days, because we will have achieved one of the objectives set.“, estimates the creator of the challenge, Brittany Rinkin.

    But, in reality, few mothers can take an hour a day… just for sport. And for the 45 minutes of cleaning “obligatory“, we hope that young fathers will have the same challenge on their side.

    "Becoming a mother"- 33 women photographed before and after the birth of their child

    Slide: “Becoming a mother” – 33 women photographed before and after the birth of their child
