Electricity conversion in commercial vehicles; What do 2021 sales say?

Electricity conversion in commercial vehicles What do 2021 sales say

1646951734 611 Electricity conversion in commercial vehicles What do 2021 sales say

While the overall share of electric commercial vehicle models, whose options are increasing day by day, increases in 2021, it seems that there is still a long way to go on the overall pie.

It is possible to say that there is an increase in the commercial side for the electric models whose number of options is increasing day by day in the passenger segment. It is possible to say that almost all of the vehicles in segments that meet different needs, such as MPV and VAN, have an electric option on the lists, especially in 2021. Fiat Ulysee and Volkswagen ID, which was introduced the day we left behind, are the last representatives of the process, in which Stellantis includes brands such as Citroen, Opel and Peugeot by launching these models one after the other. It was buzz. The sales chart of 2021, in which exciting developments took place on the innovation side, shows that there is still an important road ahead. European Automobile Manufacturers Association When we look at the data recently shared by the company, we can say that the diesel engine still has a very serious share in this segment.

1646951734 611 Electricity conversion in commercial vehicles What do 2021 sales say


Hybrid is at the forefront in commercial vehicle preferences

When we look at the data covering the whole year as a result of the data obtained by the European Automobile Manufacturers Association, we see that the diesel engine versions have a share of 90.2 percent in the light commercial segment. On the other hand, gasoline engines have a share of 3.8 percent, hybrid models have a share of 1.6 percent and electric ones have a share of 3 percent. Despite the increase in the options in 2021, it seems that the interest of the users in the diesel engine in the commercial still has increased. According to the data, 1,408,376 diesel-engined commercial vehicles were sold in European countries, which is also a harbinger of a 6.2 percent increase. While there is much more interest in diesel-powered commercials in countries such as Italy and France, the 4.7 percent decrease in Spain and Germany is among the things that should be underlined.


It is possible to say that commercial models with hybrid infrastructure are viewed more warmly at this stage. In 2021, more than 25 thousand vehicles with this infrastructure seem to have passed the 25 thousand threshold and achieved a remarkable increase of 101.5 percent. Here, France, Italy and Germany stand out. In the scenario where commercial vehicles with electric and hybrid infrastructure are evaluated together, we see an increase of 63.2%. With this increase, the 1 percent increase in the share of rechargeable commercial models compared to 2020 is among the net results seen on the table.
