Confessions of mythological parents: yes, we lied to say…

Confessions of mythological parents yes we lied to say

Let’s face it, we all tend to embellish things, to please children, to encourage them to go to bed, to eat vegetables, to reassure them when they are afraid or to avoid the umpteenth ride. . Top phrases that “mythos” parents say.

Why yell at your children when you just have to… lie to them? This is little recommended advice, but widely practiced by some parents who seek above all to make their daily lives easier. Of course, we are not talking about stories invented from scratch from their earliest childhood, such as the existence of Santa Claus or the passage of the little mouse… But about little everyday lies that allow children to feel valued, to go to bed on time, to eat vegetables, to no longer be afraid of monsters, or to do well in school. In short, a way to be listened to without getting angry while avoiding crying. In other words, everyone wins. Here are the top false sentences to say depending on the situation:

Wow! Your drawing is magnificent!

Who has not said this sentence without even having looked in detail at their child’s drawing to encourage them in their creativity and value them? Always consider that his “scribbles”, whatever their age, are a true work of art, which you will often have to frame or hang as decoration. As he grows, encourage him to refine his drawing, to color it more… in order to allow him to improve.

It’s time to sleep, I’m going to bed too

Is your child dragging his feet to go to bed while the clock is ticking and all you want to do is watch a movie before going to sleep? Instead of raising your voice, pretend to go to your room, too, and tell him that you’re going to bed at the same time as him. However, you will have to be discreet if you wish to join the living room (without him seeing or hearing you of course).

The ride is closed today

It’s Sunday and you have no desire (nor the budget) to take him for 10 rides… It happens, it’s not in your weekend plan. Rather than telling him “no, I don’t want to” which could make you seem like a selfish parent in his eyes, tell him that the ride is simply closed. It also works for the amusement park, or the toy store… As long as your little one doesn’t yet have access to a smartphone to check the information, we take advantage of it.

I can’t start the car because you didn’t wear your seat belt

Child safety is not to be taken lightly! And until the children are properly restrained in the back, the car simply cannot start.

TV doesn’t work

It is not always easy to limit screen time for toddlers, especially when they have tasted the joy of cartoons and nursery rhymes on YouTube. Tell him the television is broken, or that you have misplaced the remote controls. But while waiting to repair it or find them, offer him creative activities or an outdoor outing.

Don’t worry, we’ll be there soon!

Are you in the car and planning a long trip to go on the weekend or visit your grandparents? But barely after starting, the traditional questions arise: “Mom, when are we arriving?” -Soon, my darling” A sentence that is not very misleading but so vague that you will be more or less calm until the next question “when will it be soon?”

“Eat carrots, it makes you lovable”, “soup, it makes you grow”

Is your child reluctant to eat soup or vegetables? We’ve all heard these ready-made phrases, so why not make him hear them in turn? However, if you want to make him eat everything, cook small muffins with vegetables and cheese or small pizzas with cauliflower dough… He will see nothing but fire (or almost)!

Please note, however, that these little lies are intended to preserve the emotional well-being of children and to simplify complex situations by avoiding crises and anger between parents and children. But as we grow up, there is nothing like communicating with our children to make them understand the reasons for our decisions, even if they are negative.
