The Finnish police in Stockholm caused a ruckus in advance – this was the kind of sight that awaited them in a hot football game

The Finnish police in Stockholm caused a ruckus in advance

The Swedish police hoped for disorder in the Stockholm derby, so that the Finnish police can train properly. However, they were not reported. The fans kept the atmosphere going with torches and tifos.

The Finnish police have been this Sunday to secure the match between Stockholm football clubs Djurgården and Hammarby. The matter was reported earlier, for example Hufvudstadbladet.

Chief constable of the Swedish operational department Jesper Molander said in an interview with Hufvudstadsbladet that the risk of violence in the match is real.

– We even hope, although maybe we shouldn’t, that something happens. In order for us to test the developed model, something would have to happen. Otherwise, the exercise is not particularly instructive.

According to the police release, the goal was to practice both leadership and actual troop management and cooperation in practical situations. This was the first time that Finland participated in a force control mission with Sweden.

Molander’s comments caused an uproar. Djurgården security manager Mats Jonsson was shocked by the words of the Swedish police and in an interview with Aftonbladet thought the comments were stupid because he hoped the match event would be safe.

Read more: The Swedish police hoped that the Finns would have to curb the rioting of the supporters – the security manager of the Stockholm club was shocked

On Sunday, the Finnish police officers participating in the exercise had the same powers as their Swedish counterparts. The training is made possible by the Prüm agreement signed by Finland in 2007.

They got to experience giant tifos and big flares at the beginning of the match. The number of spectators in the stadium, which attracts about 30,000 spectators, was 24,564. The atmosphere of the match was described as fiery in the Swedish media. However, by the end of the match, there had been no reports of disturbances.

The match ended in a goalless draw. Finnish colors were also seen on the field when Rasmus Schuller toiled in Djurgården’s midfield the entire match. Djurgården is fourth and Hammarby seventh in the standings. You can find all the results of the round here and the standings here.

Updated at 20:13. Corrected the audience number to be correct.
