Burglar guard at Liseberg – sentenced for fraud

Burglar guard at Liseberg sentenced for fraud
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full screen Two teenage boys stole attractions at Liseberg with fake passes. Now they are sentenced for petty fraud. Archive image. Photo: Adam Ihse / TT

Two teenage boys are sentenced to daily fines for minor fraud since they stole attractions on Liseberg in Gothenburg with fake boarding passes, reports SVT Nyheter Väst.

It was in July that staff at the amusement park discovered that the color of the boys’ passes did not match those of the other guests.

On closer inspection, it turned out that the boys’ boarding passes were a few days old and also glued together. The boys were turned away from the park, but returned a moment later, whereupon the police were called and they were arrested.

– I have not seen a similar case, said prosecutor Lage Rahm to SVT in connection with the indictment against them being brought in August.

Now the boys are judged. In addition to daily fines, they must also pay damages corresponding to the price of entrance and boarding passes to Liseberg.

Both boys deny wrongdoing.
