“Valu tourism” increases in Poland – to benefit the opposition

On Sunday, Poland goes to what many say is the country’s most important election since 1989.

The national conservative ruling party Law and Justice has increased its control over the courts, the media and the electoral system over its several years. On the other side is the more liberal and EU-positive Citizens’ Coalition with the Citizens’ Platform as the largest party.

In advance, the election looks like it will be even, and to increase the opposition’s chance of winning, some voters from the big cities are registering to vote in the countryside instead.

Around 1.5 million Poles have voted elsewhere this year – four times more than in the last election.

– This is only possible because there are already unequal rules of the game. We are just trying to restore the balance a little, says Adam Gotlib, who cast his vote in Sulejowek outside Warsaw.

But he’s not sure it will help.

– I just want to do everything I can.

Watch the feature from the polling station in the Polish town of Sulejowek in the video player above.
