Leo: implementing decree with Irpef and mini-Ires on Monday

Leo implementing decree with Irpef and mini Ires on Monday

(Finance) – “On Monday, we will bring the decree on the global minimum tax to the Council of Ministers, with provisions on international taxation regarding the residence of people and businesses. Then another decree on Irpef, which will affect the merging of the first 2 rates, and on the mini-Ires, maintaining the existing regime, with concessions in the case of qualified investments and hiring”. He said it the deputy minister of Economy, Maurizio Leo, at a conference at Luiss in Rome on taxes, organized by Sole 24 Oretalking about two legislative decrees implementing the fiscal delegation arriving together with the maneuver on Monday.

The enabling law on tax reform provides two options for IRES: “The first is to reduce corporate income taxes, if the tax advantage is aimed at employment, in particular of women, young people and individuals who leave the citizenship income , or on qualified investments. The second involves maintaining the existing system, with a facilitative mechanism for investors
investments and employment (the so-called ‘super-depreciation’, ed.). The government’s choice is to work on the second hypothesis, until the bill on incentives, presented by Minister Urso, is approved in the Chamber”, continues Leo.

“Before the end of the year, I plan to bring a provision to each Council of Ministers. After those on Monday on international taxation, Irpef and Ires, I will bring the statute, then the obligations, then the preventive agreement and the cooperative compliance‘”.
For the deputy minister, the rule on the global minimum tax which will go to the Council of Ministers on Monday “will better define residence for natural persons and companies, to simplify the return of the income of foreign companies to Italy. We want our country to become attractive for entrepreneurs foreigners”.

Tax expenditures is a long and laborious job, I don’t think it can be done immediately“, concludes the deputy minister who spoke at a conference on taxation.
