Who are the IDF army reservists?

Who are the IDF army reservists

The Israeli army welcomes “ the fastest and most effective mobilization ever carried out in the country “. On October 10, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called for 60,000 additional reservists, bringing the mobilization to 360,000 people.

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To be reservist in Israel, you must have completed your military service. Compulsory for all young adults, it lasts between one and four years, depending on gender and grade. Academic director of the Mediterranean Foundation for Strategic Studies (FMES), Pierre Razoux is the author of the book IDF: New history of the Israeli army (Perrin editions): “ Often, once young Israelis have completed their military service, they leave for a year to travel a little around the world. Many of them go to Asia, Australia, the United States, Canada, and even Africa. These young people were ordered to return to Israel as quickly as possible to join their reserve unit. This reserve is marginal compared to the immense number of reservists – young students for example – who are in Israel “, he explains.

The vast majority of those called on site

According to Pierre Razoux, the vast majority of those called up, aged 23 to 35, were therefore on site at the time of the call. Theoretically mobilized until their fortieth birthday, reservists have training sessions every year to be ready for combat. They keep their uniforms and equipment at home, and only have to collect their weapons once they arrive in their units.

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