The accused CEO claims that the municipality approved side jobs and sponsorships

The then chairman of the board of SKIFU, Hans Backlund knew that the now indicted ex-CEO was building houses in the mountains with a contractor. The former CEO Sundsvall’s district court claims that.

– I was told that it was not allowed to compete with SKIFU’s operations.

The accused also says that the sponsorship of a relative’s sports venture was known and mentions that the municipality was also involved in sponsoring.

Words against words

On Wednesday, Hans Backlund (S) will be heard in court as a witness. He is one of eight witnesses called during the day.

He has said in an interview with SVT that the board of SKIFU received signals about sponsorship and that they then had a conversation with the CEO who denied that it occurred.

– We talked about sponsorship. But the answer was that there was no such thing, said Hans Backlund in December 2020.

The sideline brought multi-million profit

In court, prosecutor Mats Jonsson states that there is no documentation proving that the CEO has had the side job approved.

A side job which meant that the man could extract a profit of just over two million kroner. The mountain project was run with one of Skifu’s suppliers who also sponsored the CEO’s relatives. The contractor is charged with aggravated bribery.

Mountain trip planned

The contractor tells the court that he understood that the side job was approved by the municipality. Among other things, he states that the former SKIFU CEO would invite the then municipal councilor Bodil Hansson (S) and show the building.

Hansson and the CEO had a romantic relationship at the time. Something that came to light much later and led to Hansson’s resignation due to a quarrel.
