one month after the floods, the trauma among the victims and their loved ones remains deep

one month after the floods the trauma among the victims

In Libya, the UN estimates the number of people affected by Hurricane Daniel at 250,000, which caused more than 4,000 deaths in early September. And thousands of Derna residents are still missing. The trauma is enormous and resonates throughout the country, which has mobilized to help survivors.

2 mins

With our special correspondent in Tripoli, Ariane Lavrilleux

After trying for two days in vain to contact his cousins ​​in Derna, east of the Libya, Aladeen al Kadiri took the road: 15 hours to cover more than 1,000 kilometers. His loved ones survived, but their lives fell apart. And back in Tripoli, their testimonies still haunt him. “ The most horrible thing is hearing them tell us about the moment they lefthe says. They waited for the sun to rise. My cousin told me that he would have preferred not to wake up, because they saw bodies upside down… Thousands of bodies, which had nothing on them. Everything had exploded “.

Read alsoLibya: a month after the floods, a human toll still uncertain

While there are few physical injuries, most survivors are traumatized. Michel Olivier Lacharité, emergency manager for Médecins sans frontières (MSF) in Derna, testifies: “ Some lost their entire families and homes. So people are completely shocked. Some are unable to sleep, especially at the precise times of the deadly wave, so between 2 a.m. and 5 a.m. Others have suicidal tendencies. There are some who cannot take care of their own child. Others don’t want to go outside “.

In the coming weeks, NGOs such as MSF plan to open psychological support clinics to support survivors, but also teachers and rescuers still on site.

Read alsoMajor report – Faced with floods in the town of al-Marj: a population left to its own devices
