France compensates a family exposed to herbicide, a first

France compensates a family exposed to herbicide a first

For the first time in France, a family is compensated following their exposure to glyphosate, the most used herbicide in the world. Experts have recognized a link between the malformations suffered by a child and the use of herbicide during the mother’s pregnancy. This unprecedented decision comes as the Member States of the European Union must decide on Friday October 13 on a 10-year extension of the authorization of glyphosate

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Sabine Grataloup learned the news a year and a half ago. In March 2022, experts from the pesticide victims’ compensation fund recognized a causal link between the malformations from which her son suffered and exposure to glyphosate during her pregnancy.

Théo is now 16 years old, he has undergone 54 operations and still suffers from the damage caused to his respiratory system, his esophagus and his larynx.

If Sabine Grataloup is only making this decision public today, it is because the European Union (EU) plans to authorize glyphosate for another 10 years. There commission has already ruled in this direction and a vote is due to take place on Friday October 13, based on a report from the Union health authority. EFSA considered that it had not identified “ area of ​​critical concern » on the use of the herbicide.

However, the scientific controversy remains lively: other organizations such as the International Cancer Research Center or Inserm in France highlight carcinogenic risks.

With the recognition of this causal link between exposure to glyphosate and the malformations from which Théo suffers, the Grataloup family hopes to influence the vote. This while at the same time leading another fight, legal this time, against Monsanto, the company which markets the herbicide, under the name Round Up.
