Should be able to deport those who praise Hamas

Should be able to deport those who praise Hamas
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full screen SD leader Jimmie Åkesson. Archive image. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

SD leader Jimmie Åkesson believes that foreigners who celebrate the Hamas attack in Sweden should be able to be deported.

– I think it is an excellent example of a lack of behavior, he says.

In the Tidö Agreement of the governing parties and the Sweden Democrats (SD), it is stated that the possibility of deporting foreigners due to lack of good conduct must be investigated. It shall not be required that the person be convicted of a crime.

Foreigners who after Hamas’s attack on Israel celebrated in Swedish streets should be covered by such a law, according to Åkesson.

– To go around and pay tribute to a bloody terrorist act, then it is obvious that you do not have a constructive or good purpose in being here, he says at a meeting with the Riksdag journalists.

– Then you can be in a country where it is okay to behave like that.

He sees several problems with people celebrating the Hamas attack.

– This is an expression of the country that the other parties have created. Sweden has become an arena for all kinds of international conflicts, says Åkesson.
