Ambulances were given to Ukraine without permission

Ambulances were given to Ukraine without permission
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full screen A voluntary organization has donated military ambulances to Ukraine and thus violated the Armed Forces’ donation conditions, reports Ystads Allehanda. Archive image. Photo: Jessica Gow/TT

All-terrain ambulances donated by the Armed Forces to a volunteer organization have been donated to Ukraine. In doing so, the association violated the Armed Forces’ gift conditions, which stated that the ambulances could not be donated or resold, reports Ystads Allehanda.

The armed forces have already cut ties with the organization and now Ystad’s municipal management has reported the association to the Security Police, the county administrative board and the governor.

– We have done this because this is about military equipment that is important for Swedish total defence. By all accounts, this is an extensive and extremely serious story and we must have help in sorting it out, says the municipality’s head of security Gabriella Westheim to the newspaper.

Ystad municipality also claims that material has been resold and that the profit has not been handled correctly. The municipality suspects that profits from military equipment donated to the association and then sold on may have ended up in private pockets.

In addition, according to the municipality, military registration plates may run the risk of ending up in the wrong hands in connection with vehicles being sold or donated by the association.
