Diablo 4 Coming to Steam on October 17

Diablo 4 Coming to Steam on October 17

Diablo 4, announced in the last quarter of 2019 and developed by Blizzard Entertainment, was released in the first week of last June. Diablo series The production, which is the fourth main game, received great acclaim and it was a matter of curiosity when it would come to Steam. With the announcement made yesterday, the Steam date of the game became clear. Diablo 4 will arrive on Steam on October 17.

Diablo 4 is Coming to Steam, Game Lovers Are Excited

Multiplayer adventure role-playing game released for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Microsoft Windows Diablo 4 on PC Currently, players can only access it through Blizzard’s own store. Blizzard Entertainment, the developer of the production, which has not shared the game with other platforms by offering an important privilege to its customers since June, is finally sending Diablo 4 to Steam.

As of yesterday (4 October) Diablo 4 Steam page opened can be added to the wish list. The popularity of the massive open world game Diablo 4 continues to increase day by day. Recently Twitter (X); Elon Musk, who announced that he entered the field of game publishing and demonstrated this by playing Diablo 4 live, also made a significant contribution to the popularity of the game.

Elon Musk X also played Diablo 4 live You can check out the news here.

About Diablo 4! Diablo System Requirements

Diablo 4, developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment, was first released in 1996. Diablo series It is the fourth major game. The previous main game of the series was released in 2012 (Diablo 3). Due to the long time that has passed, there was intense expectation for Diablo 4.

1696495794 555 Diablo 4 Coming to Steam on October 17

The game, which was announced to be developed in the last quarter of 2019, was released in June 2023. for PC Diablo minimum system requirements in that:

  • Requires 64-bit processor and operating system
  • Operating System: 64-bit Windows® 10 version 1909 or newer
  • Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-2500K or AMD™ FX-8350
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics Card: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 660 or Intel® Arc™ A380 or AMD Radeon™ R9 280 – DirectX® 12 compatible system
  • DirectX: Version 12
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 90 GB available space
  • Additional Notes: *1080p native resolution / 720p rendered resolution, low graphics settings, 30fps
