Possible date for next Togg car model given

Possible date for next Togg car model given

Next togg A date was given for the car model. Of course, the company’s product range is only in SUV form. T10X It will not be limited to.

featured in My Economy According to the news, the CEO of Togg company Mehmet Gürcan Karakaşthat they are working on a C segment passenger model, for the new vehicle 2024 The design will be completed by the end of the year, He announced that they aim to put the model on the roads at the beginning of 2025.. Karakaş, due to wind resistance and taking into account the preferences of young people, “coupe” style was adopted, and the new model also included “sedan “coupe” or “cross coupeHe said he could carry the lines. Gürcan Karakaş also said that they started the second shift very recently and that the trials are about to be completed. One shift per day They produced 170 vehicles Karakaş, who shared his knowledge, “With the second shift, we will be producing 280 units per day.” said. Karakaş stated that the average daily production quantity will normally be shaped depending on the flow from business partners and the supply process. Stating that the total investment amount for Togg will reach 1 billion 800 million euros by the end of the year, Karakaş noted that 500 million euros of this was provided by the partners and the rest was covered by loans. Latest by Togg, “Our deliveries continue to increase. Only in September 2,204since May, when we started delivery, in total 5,604 units “We introduced T10X to our users.” description was passed.

