will the State help contaminated households?

will the State help contaminated households

While an interministerial meeting is to be held on Friday, several groups of deputies have already indicated that they wish to table legislative proposals aimed at better combating bedbugs.

In recent days the controversy has been growing. THE Bedbugs are making headlines. In the middle of the Rugby World Cup and one year before the 2024 Olympic Games, this bad publicity is more than unwelcome. On deck, the executive takes the problem very seriously. The government also announced on Tuesday October 3, through its spokesperson Olivier Véran, guest of RTLthat “an interministerial meeting will take place on Friday to bring together all the relevant components and quickly provide answers to the French”.

“The questions the French are asking are legitimate,” said the former Minister of Health on RTL, assuring that it is necessary to “quickly provide them with answers”. For the executive, it is also important to “protect the French from scams”. Because faced with this scourge which, according to Olivier Véran, is partly linked to global warming and tourism, “it is not a question of paying someone 3,000 bucks without knowing what they are doing, there are methods secure systems that allow this to be done.

The deputies of the presidential camp and the socialists in the “starting blocks”

At the National Assembly this Tuesday, the word “scourge” was on everyone’s lips. MPs from several camps appear ready to tackle the bed flea problem. A bill, which aims to make it “a matter of public health”, was announced by the president of the Renaissance group, Sylvain Maillard. The text could be examined at the beginning of December, it is even advanced.

A bill was also to be tabled that same day by the socialists, notably relaying The world. Its purpose is to impose “in all compulsory home insurance contracts a guarantee against the risks resulting from a bedbug infestation”, with many victims renouncing effective treatments due to the cost that this represents.
