in civil trial for fraud in New York, Donald Trump denounces a “sham” of justice

in civil trial for fraud in New York Donald Trump

Donald Trump was once again this Monday, October 2 morning in court. This time, he appears on fraud charges in New York. Along with two of his children, the former president is accused of having inflated the value of his real estate assets. Upon his arrival in court, Donald Trump denounced a “ simulacrum “of justice embodied by a prosecutor” racist » and a judge « thug “.

4 mins

Donald Trump, accused with two of his sons of having colossally overvalued their real estate assets for years, sat on Monday, October 2, looking somber in the New York court. Navy blue suit, electric blue tie, closed face, slightly hunched body and defiant air, the billionaire is flanked by two of his lawyers, Chris Kise and Alina Habba, seated opposite New York judge Arthur Engoron who will preside over debates for weeks. The start of a civil trial for the Republican favorite in the 2024 presidential election

In this case, Donald Trump knows that he has lost the legal battle, reports our correspondent in the United States, David Thomson. So he tries to take political advantage of it. He pursues his victim strategy to the fullest and makes this appearance a political spectacle. It was he who wanted to be present today for the photo, even though nothing obliged him to do so. Before entering the court room, he took the time in front of the microphones and cameras to unfold his act: according to him, this trial is a “ scam ” and one ” horror show “.

Read alsoUnited States: start of a legal marathon for Donald Trump, prosecuted for fraud

Trump did not hesitate to attack the judge himself, accusing him of “ witch hunt, election interference, this judge should be impeached “, Trump even said, just before appearing before him. He also attacked New York State Attorney General Letitia James, the plaintiff in the case. “ We have a racist attorney general who is a horror show […]. It’s a scam », Launched the former president.

He also accused her of “ racism “. Letitia James who led this entire investigation is African-American. The latter was waiting for him inside the court, an obviously striking image.

In the room, the prosecutor, seated in the audience, behind Trump, did not take her eyes off him. “QNo matter how much power you have, no matter how much money you think you have, no one is above the law “, she insisted before the start of the hearing.

In this case, Trump, 77, cannot be sentenced to prison. On the other hand, he risks big financially: he faces a dizzying fine of 250 million dollars.

Can Trump really benefit from the trial?

Politically, in the short term, his legal troubles are a blessing for Trump. They made him absolutely untouchable among his base. His supporters now see him as a political martyr. Trump keeps telling them: “ They attack me, but through me, they are targeting you and I am here to protect you “. And most of his supporters are convinced of the truth of these words.

Several polls show that the majority of Trump supporters trust him more than their own family. And his indictments propelled Trump to the top of opinion polls in the Republican primary. Note, however, that these affairs which benefit him for the Republican nomination risk turning into a major handicap for the presidential election in November 2024.

Indeed, its judicial and political calendars are totally intertwined. So much so that Trump campaigns as much on the court benches as on the ground with his supporters. As a reminder, the former president is indicted four times, with two federal indictments, including one for conspiracy against the state. This trial is scheduled to begin March 4 in federal court in Washington. The day before “Super Tuesday”, the decisive electoral deadline in the Republican primary.

This trial is expected to last four to six weeks. That is to say that his possible conviction should fall before the presidential election. Clearly, Trump could be sentenced to a prison sentence before the election. Which would constitute an absolutely unprecedented political fact. Although that shouldn’t stop him from running, in all likelihood.

Read alsoChristopher Weissberg: “Trump will most likely be the Republican candidate in the United States”
