The armed forces must support the police in the wave of violence

The armed forces must support the police in the wave
Open to law change: Not adapted for gray zone situations

The armed forces will be tasked with supporting the police in the gang war.

That’s what Ulf Kristersson says at a press conference.

– As you know, Sweden is in an exceptional situation. The wave of violence is unprecedented in Sweden and in Europe, he says.

The announcement came after the Prime Minister and Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer met Commander-in-Chief Micael Bydén and National Police Chief Anders Thornberg.

Next Thursday, the government will give the Armed Forces the task of looking at how, with today’s legislation, the Police Authority can be assisted during the wave of violence that is now shaking Sweden.

As examples of what the Armed Forces could contribute with, the two ministers mention personnel, analytical skills and equipment.

full screen Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (M) and Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer (M) during a press conference after a meeting with National Police Chief Anders Thornberg and Commander-in-Chief Micael Bydén. Photo: Anders Wiklund /TT

“The law needs to be changed”

They will also investigate how the law needs to be changed, says Kristersson. Swedish legislation is made for war or peace and is not sufficient for the situation the country is in now, he believes.

– In a second step, the law must be changed and give the police greater opportunity to request help in situations, so-called gray zone situations.

Gunnar Strömmer calls the development of the last few days “beyond the worst you can imagine in an open society”.

– I want to say to all police officers who toil day and night: Thank you very much.

full screen Sweden’s Commander-in-Chief Micael Bydén. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

Strömmer: The monopoly of violence is the task of the police

When asked if the new legislation could make it possible for the military to be given the right to use force, Strömmer replies:

– The monopoly of violence is a task for the police. It is about how the Armed Forces should be able to contribute without the use of force. But we will get back to what that means in the near future.

Another proposal raised in the debate is a curfew. Gunnar Strömmer says that he is willing to listen to all suggestions and that there can be value in limiting people’s mobility.

But in today’s legislation, there is no room to use it, according to him.

– We have chosen to focus on interventions that are more specific, such as visitation zones, he says.
