In Argentina, thousands of women march in defense of the right to abortion

In Argentina thousands of women march in defense of the

Abortions were legalized three years ago, but the presidential candidate leading the polls has said he will ban them again.

In Argentina, thousands of women marched on Thursday to defend the right to abortion. Argentinians fear that the right to abortion, which was granted in the country a few years ago, is under threat if the extreme right Javier Milei win the presidential election in October.

Abortions were legalized in the South American country only three years ago, but 52-year-old Milei has described the procedure as murder and vowed to deny it.

– We have gathered to defend women’s rights because we are afraid of a possible backlash from the election results, said the 47-year-old psychologist Martha Gazzanowho marched with her 15-year-old daughter.

Milei unexpectedly came out on top in the presidential race in the August primaries and has maintained the lead in support polls. When it comes to the economy, Milei is an extreme liberal, but conservative when it comes to social issues.

– Clearly, a woman has the right to her own body, but the child is not part of her body, Milei has commented on the abortion issue.

According to Milei, a vote on the right to abortion will be held in Argentina if she wins the election.

Abortion is prohibited in many neighboring countries

In 2020, Argentina legalized abortions up to 14 weeks of pregnancy. Previously, abortion had only been allowed in cases of rape or when the life of a pregnant woman was in danger.

In Latin America, pregnancy terminations based on the decision of the pregnant woman are allowed, apart from Argentina, only in Colombia, Cuba and Uruguay.

International Safe Abortion Day was celebrated on Thursday. There was also a demonstration in favor of the legalization of abortion, for example, in the capital of Mexico.

In Peru, hundreds of women dressed in green scarves marched to the courthouse in the country’s capital Lima on Thursday and demanded the legalization of abortions. The women who participated in the march in Buenos Aires, Argentina were also mostly dressed in green, which is the color of the abortion rights movement.

Source: AFP
