the costs of political dialogue are controversial

the costs of political dialogue are controversial

The last round of negotiations between the government and the opposition will cost more than 100 million shillings, or around 680,000 euros. It’s a daily revelation The Nation, who was able to obtain a document from the secretariat of the National Dialogue Committee. These discussions started at the beginning of August. They must find a solution to the crisis between President William Ruto and Raila Odinga, unsuccessful candidate for the 2022 presidential election. The document published by The Nation gives their estimated budget. And it is quite comfortable, for the delegates who take part in it

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With our correspondent in Nairobi, Gaëlle Laleix

According to the document, most of the budget is allocated to delegates taking part in the dialogue. The two deputies, presidents of the delegation, each receive 50,000 shillings, or 321 euros, per day. The other members receive 40,000 shillings. All serving at least 20 days.

Added to this are other costs, such as plane tickets, accommodation and even “refreshments”, since part of the work will take place in Nallaisa, on the banks of the lake of the same name, and in Mombasa. , on the coast, for the writing of the report.

The secretariat’s budget also presents some curiosities, such as an envelope of 15 million shillings in printing costs, for 1000 copies, or more than 96 euros, per copy.

Contacted by RFI, neither the Office of the Auditor General nor the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission wished to answer our questions. Nor did the delegates taking part in the discussions.

Expenses for the national dialogue depend on the budget of the Kenyan Parliament. However, in its last report on the 2022/2023 financial year, the budgetary committee recommended “ not create new public spending » and recommended a systematic audit of the Treasury.
