Corsica: Macron proposes autonomy and entry into the Constitution

Corsica Macron proposes autonomy and entry into the Constitution

Visiting as part of the commemorations of the 80th anniversary of the Liberation of Corsica, the Head of State took the opportunity to make announcements on institutional developments on the island. Referring to a “historic moment”, President Emmanuel Macron proposed, this Thursday, September 28, that “a new step be taken” with “the entry of Corsica” into the French Constitution” and “autonomy” for island, which is “neither against the State nor without the State”.

“The status quo would be the failure of us all”, assured the President of the Republic, speaking in Ajaccio before the Corsican Assembly controlled by the nationalists, hoping that this “new institutional stage” will make it possible to “fully anchor Corsica in the Republic and to recognize the singularity of its Mediterranean insularity and its relationship to the world”.

A text in six months

President Emmanuel Macron gave “six months” to political groups and the Corsican Territorial Assembly to reach an “agreement” with the government on a “constitutional and organic text” modifying the status of Corsica.

“I therefore hope that work with the government can lead to a constitutional and organic text thus submitted for your agreement within six months,” declared the Head of State in Ajaccio on Thursday, insisting on the fact that “it there is no red line, there is the ideal of the Republic.”
