Failed first attempt at power for the Spanish right

Failed first attempt at power for the Spanish right
full screen PP’s party leader Alberto Núñez Feijóo received a first refusal to form a new Spanish government. Photo: Paul White/AP/TT

Spain’s conservative Partido popular party failed to form a government in the first attempt in the Spanish parliament on Wednesday.

PP party leader Alberto Núñez Feijóo presented a government document since his party won the most votes in the July 23 election. But the right lacked the necessary majority.

Núñez Feijóo’s government proposal was supported by 172 votes – 176 yes votes were required. 178 MPs voted against.

A second attempt, when it is enough to get more yes votes than no, is expected on Friday. That attempt also appears to be failing. In that case, the leader of the Socialists PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, may make an attempt. He too lacks a majority and may be forced to turn to separatist parties for necessary support.

Wednesday’s vote set in motion a ticking two-month deadline for new elections in Spain if no government wins parliamentary support.
