Hecken’s bang in the gold hunt: Lost against Kalmar

Häcken was certainly hungry for revenge after the heavy 0-4 blow against Bayer Leverkusen in Thursday’s Europa League opener.

But the away match against table six Kalmar would prove to be a challenge for the gold-chasing gang from Hisingen.

Already after ten minutes, they had a disadvantage to try to turn around since Kalmar changed quickly and Simon Skrabb found Deniz Hümmet who raked in 1-0.

— It was actually good. Good ball from Simon, good counterattack and it sat well, said Hümmet in Discovery+.

Häcken’s Simon Gustafsson was not happy during the break:

— We make too many mistakes overall. We have tactical mistakes, technical mistakes, the ball is too slow, we lose the ball, we don’t apply pressure when we do. We can do much better than this.

And of course Häcken could do better. After the break, they started to create scoring chances, but without succeeding in outsmarting the Kalmar defence. The match ended 1–0 to the home team.

Away against top of the table Varberg, Hammarby took three points after Jusef Erabi scored the match’s only goal (1–0) in the 80th minute.
