Iiro Haim becomes Jymy’s game director: “Through a large amount of work, we start building the future”

Iiro Haim becomes Jymys game director Through a large amount

Haimi will lead Sotkamo Jymy’s game for the 2024–2025 seasons. For the previous four seasons, Haimi has been the game director of Kouvola’s Ballonlöjie.

from Iiro Haim becomes Sotkamon Jymy’s game director. Haimi says that she is looking forward to the future with enthusiasm.

– A new environment, new challenges and people certainly bring energy to work. Moving forward with great vibes, and fortunately, I have already been able to settle into the fields and get to know the future operating environment, Haimi, who has been living in Sotkamo for a few weeks, says in the press release.

The contract is for two years, and Haimi will lead Jymy’s game for the 2024–25 seasons. In addition to two years, Haimi and Jymy have agreed on two option years.

For the previous four seasons, Haimi has been the game director of Kouvola’s Ballonlöjie. With the ball hitters, Haimi twice won the SM silver. Before this, he was the game director of Hyvinkää Tahko.

As a game manager, Haimi demands a large amount of work.

– The basic principle is that we start building the future through a large amount of work. By moving forward with the guidelines agreed together with the team, the best way to get things going is for sure, says Haimi in Jymy’s press release.

He has already started planning for the upcoming training season.

– The training programs start to be ready by the turn of the year. Yes, very quickly, within a few weeks, we will assemble the team for the coming season and go through the next milestones.
