After the fatal shooting – the police search for men in dark clothes

The police are appealing for information about a “dark-clad, masked person” who left the crime scene on foot. That’s what the police say to TV4 Nyheterna.

The police have also received information that the perpetrator must have had a four-wheeler, but that is not something they want to lock themselves into.

At the same time, there is still shock in Sandviken after the crime in which two people were killed.
One of them was a man in his 70s who is not believed to have been the target.
– This act, to be shot in the place you go to regularly, the place you like and where you feel safe. It is indescribable. Everything is very strange and difficult, says Wivianne Hahne, friend of the man.

The double murder in Sandviken is shooting death number eight and nine in the last two weeks, when a wave of violence shook Stockholm and Uppsala above all.

The police are investigating whether the double murder is connected to the spiral of violence that seems to have been triggered by the murder of the mother of a gang criminal man in Uppsala on September 7 – but do not think that is the case.

Local conflict

– The murder in Sandviken is possibly part of a local personal conflict that the plaintiff has. It is doubtful whether the murder is connected to any of the national conflicts, says Karin Wessén, adding that the assessment has “high uncertainty”.

Police are searching for a lone perpetrator who is said to have left the scene on foot, and are appealing to the public for tips. According to the police, there are no wanted or detained persons in the case.

Thursday’s shooting is the third in Sandviken, a town of 25,000 inhabitants, in the past year. In total, three people have been shot dead. Even the larger neighboring city of Gävle has been shaken by several serious violent crimes.
