Salwan Momika stops burning Qurans

Salwan Momika stops burning Qurans. He states this in an interview with Quarterly podcast “Djupet”.

– I sacrifice my blood and my body for Sweden. But now I’m going a different way, he says.

Salwan Momika planned to burn a Koran in Rosengård in Malmö this weekend, but his application to organize a public gathering was denied because the police could not guarantee security, as P4 Malmöhus was the first to report.

In the podcast, he says that the Koran burning in Malmö was supposed to be his last.

– I don’t care about my own safety, but I will change my strategy, he says.

During the summer, Salwan Momika burned several Korans in various places in Sweden, something that caused anger and led to strong reactions in Muslim countries.¨

The Koran burner, who is a citizen of Iraq, has previously been requested to be extradited.

Read more about the Koran burnings here.
