The new head coach of the Lions is being decided – the hockey boss tells what kind of contract the association is planning

The new head coach of the Lions is being decided

The Ice Hockey Federation is undergoing major changes.

The association is currently looking for a head coach Jukka Jalonen replacement and a new sports director. On Monday, the chairman Harri Nummela in turn announced that he will not be available after his presidency ends at the end of this year.

The closest of all is the selection of the head coach. Managing director Sami Kauhanen hopes that the matter can be announced within the next few weeks.

– In the head coach pesti, I hope we will be able to take the job to the finish line already in the next few weeks, says Kauhanen.

Iltalehti reported last weekthat, according to its information, are no longer candidates for the position of head coach Kari Jalonen and Antti Pennanen.

Kauhanen does not comment on the candidates or their numbers, but interviews have been conducted and the matter has been prepared for several months.

– It is said that potential candidates have been found. This is where the final work starts. If things progress optimally, it will be in the next few weeks, but you never know if there will be bumps in the road, Kauhanen describes the situation.

“They were usually three years old”

In addition to the World Cup, the Lions may face the hockey World Cup tournament in February before the 2026 Winter Olympics in Milan.

Sami Kauhanen explains that the length of the head coach’s contract must take into account continuity, such as the Olympics in 2026.

– On the other hand, this is also affected by what kind of person is selected for the task and how long we are going to talk about the project overall. Usually these have been three years long in this type of work.

Do you have the desire to get such a contract?

– There must be a review clause in the contract about the continuation of cooperation, but on the other hand continuity must be guaranteed.

The board of the Ice Hockey League decides on the head coach and sports director. Harri Nummela says that he will carry out his duties fully until the end of his term as chairman and is involved in choosing people.

– We have a clear division of labor. There are those who prepare and those who decide. In this case, the board decides and I act as its chairman. I play a central role in decision-making with the rest of the board, Nummela says.

The operating model is changing

Last week, the Ice Hockey Federation also opened a search for the position of director of coaching and elite sports. Previously, the task was shared by Jukka Jalonen, the general manager of the young national teams Kimmo Oikarinen and head coach of the under-20 national team.

According to Kauhanen, the union stated that this operating model has come to an end. He emphasizes that the task of the head coach is to build the A national team’s success for the World Cup, the Olympics and perhaps the World Cup in the future.

– First of all, we need a person to support the national team coaches to lead the coaching, who will help them in their tasks and maintain close cooperation with the club field, so that we can guarantee the future of Finnish player development.

Kauhanen says that the task has aroused interest.

– Now we are looking for a suitable person and the position will be filled when one is found.

Do you have people in mind that you would like to ask for the task?

– Now let’s see what kind of applications we get. After that, of course, there are also certain lists through which we might start approaching people.

Kauhanen sees opportunities

The changes in the Ice Hockey Federation are not limited to the head coach, top sports director and chairman.

The Ice Hockey Association recently hired Henni Laaksonen as the new leader of the Women’s League. Mesti’s new leader Taneli Maasalo will start in his position at the beginning of October.

Kauhanen describes the situation as partly challenging, but according to him, it offers a lot of opportunities.

– There are two key roles open on the sports side and we have brought in a new manager for the Women’s League and Mestis. I also see a lot of opportunities in it, says Kauhanen

Things to develop in terms of responsibility

Harri Nummela, who has been acting as chairman for the eighth year, sees that the Jääkiekkoliitto is currently a financially strong organization. Of course, there is plenty to develop and reform.

– In matters of responsibility, the sport must clearly move forward, just like all actors in society.

Nummela considers it particularly important what the Jääkeikkoliitto can do in the field of social responsibility.

– It especially emphasizes our educational role, when tens of thousands of Finnish children and young people work within the sport. We teach and promote that they develop sustainable values ​​and good healthy lifestyles, Nummela describes.
