Covid travel: Italy, Portugal, United Kingdom, what rules?

Covid travel Italy Portugal United Kingdom what rules

With the return of spring, projections for travel are on the rise again. For a weekend, a week or more with the summer holidays coming soon! But where can we go with the Covid? What rules according to the vaccination schedule? Test or not? What does the latest map of countries by color say? Point.

[Mis à jour le 8 mars 2022 à 14h12] With the return of spring, projections to the travel is on the rise. For a weekend, a week or more with the summer holidays which are coming soon! Corn where can we go with the Covid? What conditions depending on the country ? ofEurope or not ? To return to France then ? Of what color is your destination country on the map updated in March? Italy, Portugal, United Kingdom, Guadeloupe… Up-to-date rules.

What are the travel conditions for France?

As specified by the interior ministrytravel conditions

To leave FranceTo return to France


No restriction from French soil. On the other hand, it is necessary to check the health rules relating to entry into the territory of another country on France Diplomacy.


  • If you are vaccinated, leaving metropolitan France for a country or territory in the orange zone is not subject to any restrictions.
  • Unvaccinated travelers must justify the need for their trip, corresponding to a compelling reason.
  • It is also necessary to check the health rules relating to entry into the territory of another country on France Diplomacy.


  • No restriction to return to France if you are vaccinated.
  • You must nevertheless present proof of vaccination status; Since February 1, 2022, in order for their vaccination schedule to remain recognized as complete, persons aged eighteen or over wishing to enter the national territory must have received a dose of complementary messenger RNA vaccine no later than 9 months following the injection of the last required dose.
  • You must also present a sworn statement attesting to the absence of symptoms of Covid-19 infection and contact with a confirmed case of Covid-19 to enter the metropolitan territory.
  • No test is required to travel to mainland France from a country on the “orange” list for vaccinated travellers.

FOR NON-VACCINED PEOPLE (except under 12 years old not concerned)

  • The negative result of a PCR test less than 72 hours or an antigen test less than 48 hours before departure (departure of the first flight in case of correspondence).
  • You must have a sworn statement attesting to the absence of symptoms of covid-19 infection and contact with a confirmed case of Covid-19 and your commitment to accept a possible screening at the arrival.
  • You may be screened upon arrival. If this screening is positive, you will have to isolate yourself.

What travel conditions in the UK?

European travelers must have a valid passport to enter the UK.

Travelers from mainland France are subject to separate rules depending on their vaccination status:

  • Travelers with a complete vaccination schedule (at least two doses, the second dose must have been administered at least 14 days before the date of entry into the UK) are no longer subject to the obligation to carry out a test before their departure or after their arrival. They simply have to present a “passenger locator form” when crossing the border.
  • Travelers aged 18 and over who cannot provide proof of full vaccination must comply with the following formalities and obligationsin addition to the “passenger locator form”:

► presentation of the negative result of a PCR or antigen test carried out less than 48 hours before departure;

► the reservation, before departure, of a PCR test to be carried out no later than two days after arrival in the territory and proof of purchase of which must be presented when crossing the border (list of suppliers);

► a 10-day isolation period upon arrival, only if the PCR test result is positive. The isolation period can be ended on the 6th day, in the event of a negative result of antigen tests carried out on the 5th and 6th days, and in the absence of symptoms. All information is available on the UK government website.

What are the travel conditions in Italy?

To enter Italy, all travelers must complete a traceability form (Passenger Locator Form digitali – dPLF) on the online portal. The paper form (downloadable in PDF) should only be used in case of technical difficulty. Wearing the FFP2 mask is compulsory in all means of transport in Italy, including planes. Travelers over 6 years old entering Italy from France must present a health pass valid informs the site France-Diplomacy. This corresponds:

  • either to a complete vaccination schedule recognized by the EMA (a complete schedule means 2 doses for a two-dose vaccine (eg Pfizer) and 1 dose for a single-dose vaccine (eg Janssen). For circulation in Europe, this vaccination schedule is valid for 9 months after the last dose, but this is 6 months to access most services or activities in Italy (see below);
  • be proof of healing (positive PCR test dating back at least 21 days and less than 6 months); a positive antigen test is not a valid certificate of cure for traveling in Europe;
  • or the result of a negative test (antigen less than 48 hours or PCR less than 72 hours);

Random tests: Italian authorities also plan to carry out random tests at airports, ports and land borders, including for travelers already vaccinated and tested before boarding. If positive, the passenger will be placed in isolation, then accompanied to a hotel or Covid home to complete their quarantine.

What are the travel conditions in Portugal?

All travelers arriving in Portugal must present:

  • either the digital EU Covid certificate in one of its three modalities: vaccination certificate (valid from 14 days and up to 270 days after injection in the case of a complete vaccination schedule, and from 14 days, with no time limit in the case of a complete vaccination schedule with a booster dose) / certificate of negative test (antigen test valid for 24 hours or RT-PCR test valid for 72 hours) / certificate of restoration of Covid-19 (valid between 11 and 180 days after the first positive test).
  • or any other vaccination certificate recognized by Portugal (outside the EU)

Children under 12 are exempt from presenting one of the certificates mentioned above. It is important to note that any traveler arriving in mainland Portugal by air, sea or in transit must complete individually, before boarding, the Passenger Locator Form (PLF).

What are the travel conditions in Guadeloupe?

In accordance with guidelines issued by the Prefect of the Region of Guadeloupethe following travel conditions apply:

From mainland France to Guadeloupe : for vaccinated persons, a negative PCR or antigen test must be presented within 24 hours. For non-vaccinated people, you must show a compelling reason to go to Guadeloupe, present a sworn statement and a negative test within 24 hours (PCR or antigenic).

From Guadeloupe to the French metropolis : for vaccinated persons, there is nothing to present. For non-vaccinated people, you must justify a compelling reason, present a certificate and a negative PCF test of less than 72 hours or antigen of less than 48 hours.

Children under 12 are exempt from supporting documents.

What are the travel conditions in Greece?

All persons residing in France are authorized to enter Greece. All travelers aged 5 and over, from France must present one of the following health documents:

  • European digital vaccination certificate (European Union Digital Covid Certificate, EUDCC) or recognized by the EMA, valid, more than 14 days and less than 9 months after the complete vaccination course or without time limit for travelers who have taken a booster dose;
  • European digital recovery certificate of more than more than 14 days and less than 180 days following a positive screening test in a laboratory or approved establishment;
  • Negative PCR test performed less than 72 hours before arrival in Greece;
  • Rapid negative antigen test less than 24 hours before arrival in Greece.

In addition, all travellers, whatever their nationality and origin, must present on boarding or at the borders a passenger locator form (PLF) (Passenger Locator Form). It is recommended to complete it no later than the day before arrival in Greece. Furthermore, a random testing for Covid-19 (PCR or rapid antigen test) may be requested upon arrival of travellers, regardless of their nationality, origin and point of entry into Greece. Travelers should wait on site for the result of their test before continuing their journey. All positive test involves observing 5 day quarantine minimum, at home or in an appropriate temporary accommodation indicated by the competent Greek authorities

Map of countries by color

  • “Green” countries: countries or territories with negligible or moderate circulation of the virus, in the absence of an emerging variant of concern. These are the european area countries : Member States of the European Union as well as Andorra, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, San Marino, Switzerland and the Vatican. In addition, the following countries and territories are added: South Africa, Angola, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Benin, Bolivia, Botswana, Cambodia, Canada, Cape Verde, Colombia, Comoros, Ivory Coast, South Korea, Cuba, Djibouti, United Arab Emirates, Ecuador, Eswatini, Fiji, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Honduras, Hong Kong, Mauritius, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Jamaica, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Laos, Lesotho, Morocco, Mauritania, Namibia, Nepal, Nicaragua, New Zealand, Oman, Uganda, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Qatar, Dominican Republic, Rwanda , Saint Kitts and Nevis, El Salvador, Samoa, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Tanzania, Chad, Togo, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietnam, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
  • Orange country: countries or territories with active circulation of the virus, in the absence of an emerging variant of concern and showing no vaccine or immune escape. These are all countries that are not included in the list of “green” countries.
Map of travel by color from and to abroad – March 2022 ©

Sources: France Diplomacy / Ministry of the Interior
