Bonomi: “I don’t see any market risk but there is interest rate risk”

Energy Bonomi looking at nuclear power without ideological lenses

(Finance) – “What scares me is the determination to use the sole instrument of increasing rates to fight inflation: theThe risk is that to fight inflation we enter into recession and this, as Europe, we cannot afford.” Thus the president of Confindustria, Carlo Bonomi, at ReStart on Rai3. “The risk is given by the volume of investments: private investments have collapsed”, underlined Bonomi. “In the first quarter of 2021 investments grew by 3.5%, this year by 0.8%”.

The number one industrialist also launched a proposal. “Italy should focus on its own attractiveness, everyone in the world wants Italian but investing in Italy is not easy. I think we can think of having a investment commissioner”.

On Premier Meloni – “I believe that Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is interpreting the moment correctly: there was no need to be too optimistic before and there is no need to be pessimistic now”, said Bonomi, underlining that “the next budget law will be the real test”. There are three focuses in particular: “Cutting the tax wedge for family incomes under 35 thousand euros, because we need to put more money back into the pockets of these Italians; a strong stimulus to industry 5.0 investments to couple the transitions; and the reforms, which we have been talking about for 40 years and we are unable to do.” Bonomi excludes the risk of a financial attack against Italy. “I don’t think Italy will come under attack from the markets, raising rates is to be monitored and the spread – he commented – must be kept strictly under control. But it will depend on the policies we implement, there are no signs of an attack on Italy: It’s not in anyone’s interest, but we have to do our homework.”

About his future – I’m going back to being an entrepreneur, they were 4 years quite complex and everything happened. I wasn’t bored: I started with the pandemic, I had the expensive materials, the energy shock, the war, the drought and the floods”, he said, speaking of the choices he will make after the expiry of the mandate at the presidency of Confindustria in 2024.
