To increase libido, muscles, counter fatigue… You might want to increase your testosterone level? How ? Foods, medications, risks and medical advice.
The question ofincreased testosterone is complex. If its blood dosage shows a low rate SO pathological, medical care will be provided. So what if his dosage East normal and that the increase in testosterone is motivated by individual goals, this leaves the medical field. “Indeed, prolonged decline in testosterone leads to health effects : in humans drop in libido, reduction in musculature, fatigue, metabolic disorders… By increasing testosterone, we will take care of these dysfunctions and look for an underlying pathology“, underlines Professor Jacques Young, endocrinologist.
What is testosterone used for in the body?
Blood levels of testosterone are different in men and women.
► This hormone is secreted in humans during fetal and neonatal life then from puberty and throughout adulthood. This hormone allows masculinization and pubertal development : change in voice, increase in musculature and hair growth, growth spurt and appearance of libido (sexual desire).
► In women, this secretion is much lower and varies greatly with age. Testosterone drops significantly at menopause: the ovarian source dries up while the adrenal source decreases with age, and the consequence will be a (variable) decline in libido.
The room for maneuver to increase testosterone in women is very small since the Testosterone medications have been designed with large dosages that are aimed at men. Increasing testosterone in women after menopause sometimes helpsincrease libido. “This trend was very widespread in the United States during the 1990s-2000s. A laboratory even sold testosterone for women at the time“, he adds. There is no medical indication for increasing testosterone in women except for two rare diseases which are anterior pituitary insufficiency or adrenal insufficiency where circulating testosterone levels can be collapsed.
In women, the main risk is overdose and the appearance of excessive hair.
In this context, we observe a drop in libido and a loss of axillary and pubic hair. “It was shown in a study thatadministration of DHEA, adrenal androgen, precursor of testosteronemoderately increased the level of this steroid and had an effect on libido in these situations“, he adds.
Boost testosterone in men requires very large dosages. The red blood cells will thus be multiplied and the oxygenation capacity of the tissues developed. Sports performance through muscular strength and endurance will thus be increased. But the increase in red blood cells increases the viscosity of the blood which increases the risk of thrombotic accidents and embolisms. In recent days, the news has again revealed the doping motivations of certain athletes: in fact, by boosting their testosterone, they seek to remain at the highest sporting level without necessarily thinking about the impact that this can have on their health.
What foods are beneficial for “boosting” your testosterone?
There does not exist no special diet to boost testosterone. Sufficient sleep, a balanced diet adapted to physical activity associated with the protein consumption in appropriate quantities and physical training are three pillars necessary for optimal maintenance of testosterone levels.
Can you take medication to increase your testosterone?
There exists a medical supplementation but inject yourself with testosterone, steroids in the form of food supplements, without medical reason remains illegal and dangerous.
What are the risks and precautions to take?
The risks of boosting your testosterone levels without medical advice are very significant and can appear in the short, medium and long term.
► In women, the main risk is overdose and the appearance of excessive hair, acne, hair loss which become fat, and masculinization. “On the aesthetic level, these side effects are perhaps not those sought unless you wish to change your sexual appearance“.
► In humans, the main risk is thrombotic phenomena: arterial, venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, phlebitis… and sometimes extremely serious accidents after a few weeks or months. In the medium term, the heart and its cavities become deformed and heart problems can appear as sudden death in young people. Metabolic effects also appear in the long term (blood lipid abnormalities, diabetes, prostate effects, etc.).
Thanks to Professor Jacques Young, endocrinology and reproduction department, Bicêtre hospital (AP-HP), Kremlin-Bicêtre; Paris-Saclay University