The government calls a crisis meeting about the gangs

According to Strömmer, the councils against organized crime will gather for discussions at the beginning of next week. One must then, among other things, review which measures can be implemented to stop the gangs’ new recruitment of young people and children.

The aim is to discuss the urgent situation and measures to break the new recruitment of children and young people.

– We want to ensure that all relevant actors have one and the same picture of the situation,
so that you get a common force in the measures, says Gunnar Strömmer.

Last Wednesday 15:38

See the national police chief’s statement in the clip

Law enforcement authorities

The government’s response to the shootings is to convene an extra meeting of the Council against Organized Crime next week.

The law-enforcement authorities sit in the council, including the national police chief, but also the National Board of Institutions (Sis), the National Board of Health and Welfare and the Swedish School Administration must participate because they come into contact with young criminals.

TV4 Nyheterna is looking for the Minister of Justice.
