Decline in births, Bordignon (President of the Family Associations Forum): “Melons are doing well. Stop the demographic winter”

Decline in births Bordignon President of the Family Associations Forum

(Finance) – “We trust that in the next Budget Law, the Government will include measures capable of combating the birth rate”. This was stated in a note by the President of the Family Associations Forum, Adriano Bordignon, according to whom “politics, now more than ever, is required to make an important effort, capable of reversing the decline in births which is affecting our country and which will have heavy consequences also on the GDP. In this sense – he continues – we share the appeal of the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who yesterday from Budapest reiterated the need for a changeultural to stop the demographic winter”.

“It is therefore urgent to address the problem of the birth rate in a structural way, otherwise there will be dramatic repercussions on the entire society. As a Forum of Family Associations, therefore, we propose to Prime Minister Meloni to promote an Intergovernmental Conference on the birth rate in the EU. It is it is essential to adopt a European strategic plan that considers every resource for the birth rate not an expense but an investment for the community.” – concludes Bordignon.
