NASA: “We had the hottest summer ever known”

NASA We had the hottest summer ever known

NASA made an important statement last month, based on global measurements. It broke the temperature record for July.

This above information is directly US National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA And US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA by was shared. NASA, NOAA, as well as other assisted organizations, monitor global temperatures using thousands of weather stations around the world, and the latest data obtained in this context are It raised the possibility that 2023 would be the hottest year on record. According to the latest statement, the summer months of 2023 that we left behind, It was the hottest season on Earth since measurements began in 1880.. According to NASA records, the months of June, July and August are 0.23 degrees Celsius, Between 1951 and 1980 It was 1.2 degrees Celsius warmer than the average summer. The month of August broke its own record, like the months of June and July, and was only 1.2 degrees Celsius warmer than the average. These high temperatures, of course, seem extremely worrying to all of us. High temperatures, which are felt strongly in Turkey, also increase the risk of fire incredibly. It is reported that the five hottest Julys on record were the last five Julys.Temperatures have been increasing continuously in recent years, and as a result of this, the danger of melting in the polar region increases as the sea water temperature increases. Strangely enough, global warming is still not taken seriously by many countries.

