the Frontex agency counts on Croatia to guard the Schengen borders in defiance of abuses

the Frontex agency counts on Croatia to guard the Schengen

2 mins

Frontex is pursuing a close cooperation with Croatianew ” border country » of the Schengen area. The European agency is however accused of numerous violations of migrants’ rights, in the Balkans as in the Mediterranean.

Viktor Orban brought together his friends and allies from the European far right to 5th Budapest Demographic Summit. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic never misses the meeting, joined this year by Bulgarian Head of State Roumen Radev, and a guest of honor, the President of the Italian Council Giorgia Meloni.

While many attack non-European immigrants, it is clear that for certain countries, immigration slows down the demographic decline. For the first time in 30 years of continuous decline, the Romanian population even increased slightlythanks to the massive arrival of foreign workers.

In view of the rise of nationalism and xenophobia, the European Union is doing badly and is “ balkanize “, far from the project of ” Europeanization » of the Balkans, which are more than ever a dominated and marginalized periphery. It is in this context that the Courrier des Balkans is celebrating its 25th anniversary, with three key words: solidarity, independence and commitment.

Deadly floods in Greece and Turkey

Floods in central Greece have killed at least 14 people. As during this summer’s fires, the government is criticized for its lack of prevention and its disorganization in the management of natural disasters. In Turkey, deadly floods gave rise to a new skirmish between the ruling AKP and the Kemalist mayor of Istanbul.

Meanwhile, in southeastern Turkey, villagers affected by February’s deadly earthquake are now facing emergency expropriations of their land on which authorities want to build social housing. Resistance is being organized. Reporting.

There tropicalization of the Adriatic Sea accelerates. Since 1990, the average surface water temperature has increased by 1 degree Celsius. A sudden increase which is disrupting marine ecosystems and biodiversity. Invasive species from warm seas are establishing themselves permanently.

Tourist boom and team spirit

Gone are the years when Albania was scary. The country has become a popular destination and the government even hopes that the bar of ten million foreign visitors will be exceeded this year.

Serbia won the silver medal at the 2023 Men’s Basketball World Cup, losing in the final to Germany (83-77). An unexpected feat, especially in the absence of star Nikola Jokic. Back to this epic driven by an extraordinary team spirit.

Read alsoHungary: a world demographic summit to boost the country’s pronatalist policy
