Players have a request for Blizzard to make Diablo 4 feel more like Diablo

The endgame of Diablo 4 has received a lot of criticism since its release. Players express the desire for a change of location in the endgame because: Diablo 4 doesn’t feel like Diablo.

  • There are several endgame activities in Diablo 4. Nevertheless, frequent players in the higher levels in particular get bored.
  • Negative feedback about the endgame from the community is currently increasing. Even a player who initially couldn’t understand the negative mood is now joining in.
  • On Reddit, players are currently criticizing that Diablo 4 performs poorly in terms of the end game because it only sticks to the main map.
  • In his post on the Diablo 4 subreddit on September 13th, user pleasevote0 wrote that he realized that Diablo 4 didn’t feel like Diablo because the endgame didn’t offer players an environment in another dimension.

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    Red colored fields instead of a hellish setting

    This is his criticism: In his post, user pleasevote0 argues that Diablo 4 stubbornly sticks to the main map. Players fight the same enemies over and over again, in the same locations. It became clear to him that “significant endgame content that offers an environment in another dimension” is missing.

    In Diablo 1 you descend into hell. […] 2 and 3 take you back to hell again and again as you fight your way through acts to get to the bosses.

    Diablo 4, on the other hand: Let’s go there, on this field, and fight that one demon. Legion events and nightmare dungeons are simply in various dusty fields, caves or dungeons. The closest thing we get to Hell are the Helltides, which are simply red colored fields.

    No floating labyrinths in the void or interdimensional planes. […] Just dusty/snowy/desert-like fields and dungeons where we fight cannibals/ghosts/beasts/demons over and over again, forever.

    pleasevote0 via Reddit

    The post currently has 1,000 upvotes and over 700 comments. Other users express their criticism there, which at the same time shows what the players would like for Diablo 4.

    This is what other players want: One user states: “Yeah, we can’t farm in a Diablo game even in hell… pathetic.” User AkunaMatata criticizes that there will never be the opportunity to fight the main villains in Diablo 4 again unless , you repeat the campaign. For this he receives over 650 upvotes.

    A user agrees and replies: “I really miss this from the previous Diablo games. At least the opportunity to replay some of the matches would be great.”

    A simple, rewarding cycle makes the endgame more like it did in the predecessors of Diablo 4 and “no damn season pass, no damn boring dungeons without real design, no poor world bosses that only serve as bad loot pinata,” comments GerektheDude.

    Other users are also discussing the lack of trading in Diablo 4 and the differences between Diablo 4 and its predecessors in the Reddit thread. One user notes: “You fight [hier] Not even against Diablo.”

    The demon lord is the namesake of one of the largest game series in the world. Why does Diablo 4 still have his name even if he isn’t there? MeinMMO explains:

    Why is Diablo 4 actually called Diablo 4, but Diablo doesn’t appear at all?
