If you have a headache and cough, be careful: There is an increase in Eris variant cases! Expert Dr. listed the symptoms

If you have a headache and cough be careful There

Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Specialist Dr. stated that the Eris variant is seen in more than 50 countries as a subtype of the Omicron variant. Müzalin Çiğdem Yıldırım said, “The Eris variant is defined as a subtype of the Omicron variant of Covid-19. The Eris variant, which was first detected in South Africa in February 2023, quickly spread to other parts of the world. According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), the Eris variant may cause symptoms similar to other variants of Covid-19. It is not yet fully known whether the Eris variant is more contagious than other variants or causes more severe symptoms than the known severe symptoms of Covid-19. However, some studies also show that the Eris variant may be more contagious than previous variants,” he said.


Specialist noted that the symptoms of the Eris variant are similar to the symptoms of other Covid-19 variants. Dr. Yıldırım listed these symptoms as follows:

“Fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, muscle aches or muscle weakness, headache, fatigue, runny or stuffy nose, loss of taste or smell, diarrhea or upset stomach.”


Expert stating how the Eris variant can be transmitted. Dr. Yıldırım said, “The Eris variant spreads through small droplets in the air by an infected person when coughing, sneezing, speaking or breathing, and can be inhaled by a healthy person. Additionally, touching infected surfaces and then touching your hands to your mouth, nose, or eyes can lead to transmission of the virus. “Therefore, it is important to establish social distance, wear a mask, provide hand hygiene and follow the recommendations of health authorities to reduce the risk of infection.”

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Referring to the spread of the Eris variant around the world, Specialist. Dr. Yıldırım said, “As a result of the studies carried out; As of July 2023, the Eris variant has been detected in 51 countries. These countries include the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Brazil, Japan, South Korea and India. “The Eris variant accounts for approximately 17.4 percent of Covid-19 cases worldwide,” he said.

Wearing mask


Expert stated that there are no special methods of protection against Covid-19 variants. Dr. Yıldırım stated that protection from the Eris variant is similar to the ways to protect from viruses in general. Specialist Dr. Yıldırım said that it is possible to protect against the Eris variant, whose spread rate and the extent it will reach are not yet clear, with the following methods:

To be vaccinated: Covid-19 vaccines help reduce the severity of the disease and make you immune to the disease. Vaccines may protect against different variants. Getting vaccinated in accordance with the vaccination schedule recommended by health authorities and experts can reduce the dangerous effects and spread of the virus.

Wearing mask: A mask can help protect both you and the people around you from infection. It is important to wear a mask in places where there are many people or when you cannot maintain social distance.

Social Distance: Following social distancing rules to limit contact between people reduces the risk of transmission. For this reason, avoiding crowded environments and minimizing personal contact if possible may also be among the ways of protection.

Hand hygiene: You can try to protect yourself from infection by washing your hands frequently with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand disinfectants. It may also be important to reduce the contact between hands and face.

Complying with public health guidelines: Following recommendations from local health authorities and scientists can help control the spread of infection. Acting in accordance with these recommendations plays an important role in protecting public health.

Avoiding contact with sick people: “It is important to limit contact with people showing Covid-19 symptoms and to isolate themselves.”



Emphasizing that the rate of spread and effect of the Eris virus may differ from region to region, Specialist said. Dr. Yıldırım stated that it is therefore important to pay attention to the current recommendations of local health authorities.

