(Finance) – Il National Council of Accountants takes positive note of the declarations of the undersecretary Lucia Albano who, responding today to a question from parliamentarians Congedo, De Bertoldi, Filini, Matera, Matteoni, Maullu and Testa, declared that “in the Financial Administration Offices the appropriate investigations aimed at evaluating the possible preparation of a regulatory proposal aimed at extending the deadlines for the completion of the operations of assignment and facilitated transfer of assets to shareholders and facilitated transformation of commercial companies into a simple company”.
For the national president of accountants, Elbano de Nuccio “This is an important opening which we hope will be followed by a rapid approval of the measure to extend the deadlines currently set for 30 September”. According to de Nuccio “the extension would be extremely appropriate also because it would provide the opportunity to resolve some interpretative doubts that still affect the matter and, in responding to the need to deal with the procedures with more suitable deadlines, it would not in any case affect the public finance balances, indeed favoring the collection of greater substitute taxes”.
In recent weeks the number one in the professional category had sent one request for extension to the Deputy Minister Maurizio Leoalso formulated in light of numerous reports from accountants according to which, due to the concomitance with the numerous additional tax obligations that have characterized recent months and due to the frequent intrinsic complexity of the operations, the deadline of 30 September risks precluding numerous taxpayers from possibility of accessing the facilitative provisions.