The municipality of Kalix has tried a new method in the school: To increase the study atmosphere in the classrooms by giving students consequences. In practice, it has several times involved holding students by the wrists.
– He has been restrained and pulled in, but not because he was disruptive during class time, says Julia Jönsson about her ten-year-old son.
Julia Jönsson, who is the mother of a ten-year-old son, was initially positive about the new way of working in Kalix municipality. But one day her son came home crying after an intervention from the adults.
– He was very sad and his wrists were red.
The son said he was disturbed by other students during class and chose to leave the classroom. Then teachers grabbed him and held him.
– He said himself that “it hurts, let me go”, but no one let him go. When he then gives up, they take him into a group room and hold him there, says his mother Julia Jönsson.
Has paused the consulting collaboration
The method developed by the company Skolkonsulternas AB has received criticism from parents and will now be paused.
– It’s great that they have paused this, says parent Julia Jönsson.
There have also been several notifications to the School Inspectorate.
Kalix municipality must appoint an independent investigation into the method used by the educators since last spring.
“Sometimes we need to keep students”
Susanne Norman at Skolkonsulternas AB, who was involved in developing the methods, says that they followed the school law.
– In our way of working, we have produced documents where we have based what is permitted according to the School Act, and that includes holding the students by the wrists.
She welcomes the investigation appointed by the municipality.
– I think that we have to get to the bottom of whether we are allowed to follow the school law or not. It is the case that sometimes we need to hold students so that they do not harm themselves or others, says Susanne Norman.
Haparanda and Östhammar municipality were about to introduce the method, but that plan has been put on hold.