“Hate speech on X (Twitter) continues” -LOG

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First came the threat, then a lawsuit. Hate speech on X (Twitter), according to a new report progress.

To go over it again for those who missed it. X (Twitter), became a platform where hate speech increased immediately after Elon Musk was purchased. Because Musk carried out a massive layoff on the platform, so control over the network has largely disappeared. When the situation got seriously worse, the Center for Combating Digital Hate (Center for Countering Digital Hate / CCDH) He produced a lot of content on this subject and He made warnings that everyone could see. When the reports became serious, they took a step against them. XCCDH “He kidnapped advertisers through his statements” with the claim He threatened to sue. According to company attorney Alex Spiro, CCDH regularly published articles making inflammatory, outrageous, false or misleading claims in an attempt to damage X’s reputation and demanded that they cease. CCDH, an organization that aims to hold social media companies accountable for the spread of hateful material online, said X had failed to take action against 99 percent of hate speech sent by Blue subscribers.


X attorney Spiro, CCDH’s X Corp. CCDH CEO stated that they started to believe that it was financed by their competitors and government institutions. Imran Ahmed whereas, “Elon Musk wants to silence his critics so he can continue to spread hate, dissent, and misinformation while avoiding negative consequences.” He made the statement. “We stand behind our research and will not be afraid of Musk’s threats.” CCDH said after the threat. He was sued by X. Elon Musk’s company illegally hacked CCDH’s servers “by scraping/gathering information” He claimed that he selected the hateful posts as part of a scare campaign to drive away advertisers. X Corp. financial compensation and preventing CCDH from accessing its data. requests an injunction. It is not yet known how the case will end, but CCDH is not sitting idle. Publishing a new 23-page report, the institution states that X allowed hate speech to remain on the platform. The shared report explains how researchers collected 300 hateful posts from 100 different accounts on Holocaust denial It shows that it contains . Informing X about its findings, CCDH stated that 90 of the 100 accounts mentioned above have still not been kicked off the platform.
