Itchy testicles: causes, what treatments?

Itchy testicles causes what treatments

Itchy testicles are relatively common among men. Determining the cause of itching allows you to adopt the right treatment to relieve the urge to scratch.

What are the symptoms of itchy testicles?

“Itching” is a sensation of itchy skin (or mucous membranes) which triggers the need to scratch. Many skin diseases can be responsible for localized itching in the testicles, at least at the beginning of its development. This unpleasant feeling can be accompanied by pimples, redness, patches and sometimes even discharge. She sometimes extends to the thighs or towards the anus and can only be triggered at night.

What causes itchy testicles?

Itchy testicles can have several origins :

► They can be caused by mycosisthat is to say the proliferation of a microscopic fungus, or by the presence of parasites such as crabs, also called pubic lice, which are generally transmitted by sexual contact or through infested bedding, towels or clothing.

► The excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) and maceration also promote itching.

► In some cases it is a allergy to any chemical substance that comes into contact with the testicles such as shower gels, detergents or fabric softeners for example.

► They can also be due to a skin disease such as eczema or psoriasis, or even inflammation of the skin covering the testicles following repeated contact with an irritating material such as perfume or soap dyes. This is called contact dermatitis.

When to consult in case of itchy testicles?

The diagnosis of pruritus is essentially clinical and based on questioning and examination. A consultation with your doctor or a dermatologist is necessary.i associated lesions appear or itching persists for several days or weeks.

How to treat itchy testicles?

Itchy testicles are annoyingbut usually benign. If they do not disappear quickly on their own, it is advisable to consult. In case of sexually transmitted infections, all partners must be treated. Once the cause of the pruritus is discovered, appropriate treatment is required. The latter obviously depends on the cause, but in general it is products to apply locally, and, medications to be taken orally such as antihistamines. In severe cases, a prescription may be necessary. Local treatments in the form of gel or cream also have their interest. Emollients in particular are always useful because dry skin promotes itching, which maintains the vicious circle. Due to their moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties, aloe gel or calendula oil are also possible to relieve itching.
