Ovulation during menstruation: how is it possible?

Ovulation during menstruation how is it possible

Is ovulation during periods possible? If so, how to recognize the symptoms of ovulation?

It is very difficult to know if a woman feels herself ovulating during her period because possible signs of ovulation are masked by period symptoms : bloated stomach, mucus mixed with blood” answers Dr Elisabeth Paganelli, medical gynecologist and Secretary of SYNGOF.

Is it possible to ovulate during your period?

It is possible to ovulate during your period if the periods are long or if the menstrual cycle is short but it is not possible to know.” informs Dr. Elisabeth Paganelli. His advice:You have to be careful especially if at the end of your period you are close to ovulation, knowing that the sperm can live up to 5 days in the tubes. Having a period does not prevent sperm from rising.“.

Can you do an ovulation test during your period?

Ovulation tests are useless during menstruation. Besides, ovulation tests do not have to be done every day. It’s an unnecessary expense, informs the gynecologist. Only an ultrasound of the ovaries can confirm ovulation with certainty.

Can you fertilize during your period?

Classically, the menstrual cycle lasts 28 days and begins on the first day of menstruation. In this case, ovulation takes place around the 12th day of the cycle and periods begin 16 days later. There is therefore no chance of fertilization during menstruation. But menstrual cycles can be very short or periods long and in this case fertilization during periods is possible. “If you have short cycles, you can ovulate around day 7 and as sperm live for 5 days there are only the first two days of the cycle without risk of fertilization. If menstruation lasts 10 days and the woman ovulates on the 12th day, sexual intercourse during menstruation can result in fertilization“.

What contraception during periods?

If you are not taking hormonal contraception and you do not want to become pregnant, simplyalways use barrier contraception (male or female condoms, diaphragm)” recommends Dr. Elisabeth Paganelli. You should not rely on the period of your cycle. “Even if you go for a long period without a period, you can suddenly start to have spontaneous ovulation (particularly depending on emotions: we can ovulate when we have a new partner for example, when we find ourselves absent…)” warns the gynecologist.

Thanks to Dr Elisabeth Paganelli, medical gynecologist, Secretary General of the National Union of Gynecologists and Obstetricians of France (SYNGOF).
