After the violent act in Uppsala – the police hold a press conference

The night’s murder was the third serious act of violence in Uppsala in a short time.
Now police region Mitt chooses to initiate a special event to stop the acts of violence.
– The police authority works offensively and gathers strength where necessary, right now in Uppsala we need support to break the trend around serious crime, says
Christer Birgersson, commanding officer for the special event.

Today 15:49

LIVE: The police on the wave of violence in Uppsala

In recent times, Uppsala has been shaken by several violent crimes. At the latest last week, a woman was shot to death in the Gränby district. According to information to TV4 Nyheterna, she was the mother of a man who is said to be high up in the criminal network Foxtrot, which is led by the “Kurdish Fox”.

During the night to Sunday, there was another shooting at an apartment in the Stenhagen district in Uppsala, but no one was injured. According to information to TV4 Nyheterna, the shooting is believed to have been aimed at the “Kurdish fox’s” mother-in-law – but that they shot at the wrong address.

Shortly after 05:00 on Tuesday morning, the public raised the alarm about an injured person in a stairwell in the Sala hill district in Uppsala. The 25-year-old man was later pronounced dead in hospital.

Escalation since midsummer

The recent acts of violence can be linked to the Foxtrot network, according to information given to TV4 Nyheterna. But according to the police, several conflicts in the region have escalated, a development that has been noted since midsummer.

– Since midsummer here in Uppsala, we have had a very difficult conflict situation with several conflicts, which have led to serious violent crimes, says Andreas Pallinder, head of the investigation section in Uppsala.

The police specifically mention an incident in Gottsunda on 23 June.

– Where a passing 14-year-old boy was hit by automatic fire and we arrested two people in cases, says Andreas Pallinder.

Over 20 detained

Police Region Mitt has now started a special event to collaborate more closely with national functions at the agency.

– My region has now entered into a special event. We then work together with the national parts of the police authority, says Christer Birgersson, head of command for the special incident.

In total, the region has over 20 people in custody who are linked to criminal networks.

– We have over 20 network criminal detainees linked to several cases and our picture is that there will be more, we have eleven weapons and a hand grenade seized and in connection with cases we have a large number of seizures of narcotics, says Andreas Pallinder.
